case study

CryptoBit Solutions

Currency Exchange Website with a Real-time Exchange Rate

The site is developed using PHP and JavaScrip. It has an internal administrator's office for setting up all options and exchange modes. It also has an internal user account with the ability to edit your own data, track your transaction history and develop an affiliate program.

The client has the opportunity to choose the direction of exchange on the website with the exchange rate in real time. Exchange can be carried out in any direction from connected systems. The script automatically checks the receipt of funds and sends messages to e-mail and CRM, offers to approve the sending of the selected currency with the help of manual confirmation by the site owner or manager.

The exchanger works in a semi-automatic mode - the confirmation of sending funds remains with the exchanger administration, which makes it much safer than the automatic option.


CryptoBit Solutions


A Turnkey Exchange Website Development





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