case study


Business site for a driver center


LITO is a pioneering center for connecting drivers to ride-sharing services like Uber and Bolt in Ukraine. Whether drivers are registering independently or seeking vehicles for fleet use, LITO provides quick registration, access to additional information, and a daily payment service. For fleet owners and investors, LITO offers tailored solutions to streamline operations and maximize profits. Our collaboration involved transforming a purchased Webflow template into a customized website that reflects LITO's unique brand identity and provides added value to its customers through a custom profit calculator.


LITO faced several challenges in optimizing its website to meet the diverse needs of its customers:

  1. Customization from a Template: Despite purchasing a Webflow template, LITO required extensive customization to ensure the website reflected its brand identity and offered tailored solutions to drivers and fleet owners.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: The website needed to provide a seamless and intuitive experience for drivers seeking registration and access to additional services, as well as for fleet owners and investors exploring tailored solutions.
  3. Integrating a Profit Calculator: To provide added value to its customers, LITO sought to integrate a custom profit calculator into the website, allowing drivers and fleet owners to estimate potential earnings and make informed decisions.


Our team collaborated closely with LITO to develop a solution that addressed their challenges effectively:

  1. Customized Webflow Template: We leveraged the flexibility of the Webflow platform to customize the purchased template extensively, ensuring it aligned with LITO's brand identity and provided tailored solutions to its customers. Custom graphics, typography, and color schemes were implemented to create a unique and cohesive visual identity for the website.
  2. Optimized User Experience: The website was designed with a user-centric approach, featuring intuitive navigation, clear calls-to-action, and streamlined registration processes for drivers. Fleet owners and investors were provided with dedicated sections highlighting tailored solutions and benefits.
  3. Custom Profit Calculator: To enhance the website's value proposition, we developed a custom profit calculator tailored to the needs of LITO's customers. The calculator allowed drivers and fleet owners to input relevant parameters such as working hours, vehicle type, and service fees to estimate potential earnings accurately.
  4. Responsive Design: The website was built with a responsive design, ensuring seamless access and optimal viewing experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.


The launch of LITO's customized website with a custom profit calculator yielded significant results:

  1. Enhanced Brand Identity: The website effectively communicated LITO's brand identity, fostering trust and credibility among its customers.
  2. Improved User Engagement: The intuitive user experience and value-added features such as the custom profit calculator resulted in increased user engagement and interaction with the website.
  3. Informed Decision-Making: The integration of the custom profit calculator empowered drivers and fleet owners to make informed decisions about their earnings potential and investment opportunities.
  4. Positive Feedback: Customers lauded the website's user-friendly interface, seamless navigation, and valuable tools like the custom profit calculator, further solidifying LITO's reputation as a leader in driver connectivity services.


The successful customization of LITO's website from a purchased Webflow template, coupled with the integration of a custom profit calculator, not only enhanced the company's online presence but also provided added value to its customers. By prioritizing brand identity, user experience, and value-added features, LITO positioned itself as a trusted partner for drivers and fleet owners seeking seamless connectivity to ride-sharing services in Ukraine.




Development based on a template





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