case study

The Paper Tree House

Business Site + ecommerce for a cognitive enrichment activity studio

Client Overview

The Paper Tree House is a cognitive enrichment activity studio in Miami, FL, that focuses on unlocking the true potential in children and adults. It provides a safe and nurturing environment for self-discovery and cognitive development through a variety of therapeutic and STEAM-based activities.

Project Objectives

Initially, The Paper Tree House required a complete overhaul of their outdated and unattractive website. The goal was to create a modern, engaging, and user-friendly business site that aligned with their brand and catered to their specific needs. Following the successful launch of the business site, the client requested additional functionalities, including an e-commerce section, a help center with articles, and a blog.

Our Approach

We began with a Webflow template selected by the client and transformed it to meet their branding and functional requirements. Despite the urgency, we managed to complete the initial business site within a week, transferring all content and addressing client feedback promptly.

Key Features and Customizations

  1. Initial Business Site Development:
    • Modern Design: Updated the overall design to be clean, modern, and reflective of The Paper Tree House's mission and values.
    • Content Migration: Efficiently transferred all existing content to the new site.
    • User-Friendly Interface: Ensured intuitive navigation and accessibility across all devices.
  2. E-commerce Section:
    • Product Listings: Added a comprehensive section for purchasing educational materials and merchandise.
    • Secure Payment Integration: Implemented secure payment gateways to facilitate online transactions.
  3. Help Center:
    • Informative Articles: Created a repository of articles to assist users with common questions and issues.
  4. Blog:
    • Engaging Content: Developed a blog section for sharing insights, news, and updates related to cognitive development and activities.
    • SEO Optimization: Ensured all blog posts were optimized for search engines to increase visibility and reach.


The new website successfully met all project objectives, providing The Paper Tree House with a professional and engaging online presence. The initial business site redesign was completed within the tight deadline, and the additional e-commerce, help center, and blog functionalities were seamlessly integrated. The website now effectively supports The Paper Tree House’s mission, offering an enriched user experience and serving as a valuable resource for the community.


By leveraging the flexibility of the Webflow template and focusing on the client's specific needs, we delivered a comprehensive and dynamic website for The Paper Tree House. The landing page and additional features now stand as a testament to their commitment to cognitive enrichment and community transformation, providing users with a valuable and engaging online experience.


The Paper Tree House


Development based on a template





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